Mr Peter Liodakis


Peter completed his general Urological training in Melbourne and subsequently spent a year in Western Australia doing a fellowship in minimally invasive surgery. Peter has many interests within Urology but in particular with minimally invasive surgery including laparoscopic and robotic procedures.

Together with the keyhole surgery techniques, Peter offers specialized radiotherapy techniques for prostate cancer (Brachytherapy – seed implants) with the support of an experienced radiation oncology team.

Since joining North Eastern Urology in 2009 Peter has performed hundreds of procedures each year.  Peter is a regular instructor at the College of Surgeons for Urology trainees and has presented in local and international meetings with several publications.

Being fluent in Greek Peter is happy to conduct a consultation in Greek if preferred and his other interests outside Urology include family, most sports and travel.

Peter’s subspecialty areas of interest are as follows:

  • Greenlight laser TURP
  • Holmium Laser stone ablation
  • Transperineal prostate biopsy
  • Vasectomy, Vas reversal, Scrotal surgery, Circumcision
  • Microsurgery for Varicocoele repair and orchalgia
  • Minimally invasive prostate and renal surgery
  • Kidney stones
  • Prostate cancer
  • Laparascopic techniques
  • Robotic techniques

Peter believes all patients should be treated respectfully and offered best evidence based management.  All complex cases for management are discussed at a multidisciplinary meeting and referred for treatment if required.

Peter consults at:

  • Private rooms in Heidelberg, Suite 11 Martin Street, Heidelberg, 3084
  • Austin Health, 145 Studley Road, Heidelberg, 3084
  • Mildura, 234 Thirteenth Street, Mildura 3550
  • Epworth Richmond, Suite 8.6, 89 Bridge Road, Richmond, 3121

Peter operates at:

  • Austin Health, 145 Studley Road, Heidelberg, 3084
  • Mildura Base Hospital and Mildura Private Hospital, Mildura 3550
  • Warringal Private Hospital, 216 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg, 3084
  • Epworth Richmond, Erin Street, Richmond, 3121
North Eastern Urology