Multidisciplinary Urology Care

North Eastern Urology is a group practice that has the advantage of having a Urologist able to assist patients in urgent need every day at one of our locations, together with an on-call service.

The practice provides additional care and management of urological issues for patients by being one of few that has a dedicated full-time Urology Nurse. Our nurse is available to assist with education and one-on-one queries and follow up.

Often a range of healthcare professionals may be required to look after a patient’s condition. At North Eastern Urology all aspects of Urology care is provided with a team approach including a Radiation Oncologist, Medical Oncologist, Endocrinologist and Physiotherapist all now available in the rooms.

  • Dr. Daryl Lim Joon (Radiation Oncologist)
  • Dr. Andrew Weickhardt (Medical Oncologist)
  • Dr. Ada Cheung (Dr. Endocrinologist)
  • Ms. Tamara Wraith (Physiotherapist)

Most investigations requested by your specialist can be conducted conveniently in the same building with Pathology and Radiology now located at 10 Martin Street.

North Eastern Urology